The story:
Pushing further into jungle territory with Rune Noble's kill squad "Shadow Team Bangalla' (see S174 The Nomad), an undercover Phantom still does not know the whereabouts of his target, Nomad the terrorist.

Unawares that his dangerous prey is actually Executive Officer of the same team, the Phantom leads Noble's men to the outskirts of the Wambesi village (where The Nomad's predecessor Chatu is imprisoned) for a final and deadly showdown...

Watch out for:

  • An undercover Mr Walker caught between Wambesi warriors and Noble's private hit squad
  • A deadly jungle duel
  • Three Sunday artists in one single adventure, necessitated by Eduardo Barreto's tragic death. Paul Ryan fills in until handing over to new artist Terry Beatty (for another adventure comprising three artists, see S058 The Limper)

    The adventure started in S174 The Nomad

  • Published in Frew:

    Published in Norway/Sweden:
    Ftb:21-22 2013
    Go to:
    Daily stories

    S175 - The Shadows of Rune Noble

    Original run in the papers: 25 Sep 2011 - 1 Apr 2012
    Script: Tony DePaul
    Art: Eduardo Barreto/Paul Ryan/Terry Beatty