The story:
During yet another visit to the mesa plateau called the Eyrie or Walker's Table (see also D102 The Hydra and D103 The Art Thieves), the Phantom unveils the history behind this remarkable hideout to a mesmerised Diana, going back as far as the 15th century to pick up the tale as Christopher Columbus stands ready to set sail westwards to find the sea route to India. On board is also a young Kit Walker, the first Phantom's father.

We follow the West Indies, where Kit and his Indian friend Caribo depart in a dramatic and suspensful effort to find the "Golden City"...

Watch out for:

  • The first shot heard in America
  • A ???golden?? mesa
  • A fantastic tale ending with that fateful Singh attack...

  • Published in Frew:
    402 562 752 1030 1518

    Published in Norway/Sweden:
    Ftb:12 1971 Alb:18 1983 Fsp:1 1984 Ftb:23 2001 Ftb:24 2001 Ftb:25 2001 Krb:29 2006 Fkr:2 2022
    Go to:
    Daily stories

    S075 - Walker's Table

    Original run in the papers: 5 Jan 1969 - 20 Apr 1969
    Script: Lee Falk
    Art: Sy Barry