The story:
year on the ninth moon a child's rattle is mysteriously left on the Skull Throne. This, together with
other, possibly related, mysteries like a Llongo crown stolen from a sealed hut
and the appearance of a horned tiger, make the Phantom consult the chronicles in
a desperate effort to gain clues.
mention of "LP" in various chronicles suggests a link with a jungle legend that
the Phantom initially derides, but geographical references in his ancestor's
stories give him a real chance to verify the legend's authenticity or not. It is
time to start the hazardous journey to "the rock of the flying
Watch out for:
An early mention of the giant bird of Gandor (see S063 The Giant Bird of Gandor)
Guran admitted to the chronicle room ("the sacred cave of chronicles") for the
first time
The Treaty of the Rattle
The Phantom's first journey across
the lava beds
??The giant dragon