The story:
Diana is on her way to Bengali to see the Phantom when the amphibian plane she is travelling in is taken over by modern pirates led by the international thief Drake and landed in the sea. Taking Diana as hostage, the pirates then escape in a helicopter to an unknown destination.

The Phantom follows the trail to a vast island chain consisting of hundreds of small islands stretching over a thousand miles. Can he find a needle in a haystack with the help of the local islanders before it is too late?...

Watch out for:
  • The Phantom caught in fishing nets
  • A tug of war between a helicopter and a war canoe
  • Hairy moments in shark-infested waters

  • Published in Frew:
    101 188 298 445 623 833 1248 1720 1931

    Published in Norway/Sweden:
    Spc:1 1973 Alb:26 1987
    Go to:
    Daily stories

    S031 - The 'Copter Pirates

    Original run in the papers: 30 Mar 1952 - 13 Jul 1952
    Script: Lee Falk
    Art: Wilson McCoy