The story: Dr. Axel's modern jungle hospital has for a long time been a thorn in the side of the tribes' witchmen. For the Wambesi witchman the ultimate ignominy comes when he is shunned in favour of Dr. Axel's curing the Wambesi chief's wife.
During a covert meeting with the region's other witchmen, a plot is hatched to destroy the hospital and kill Dr. Axel. The Phantom is alerted, but the witchmen are more determined than ever and it is not long before the hospital is on fire and its doomed doctor is kidnapped...
Watch out for:
The story behind Dr. Axel's coming to the jungle (compare with the one told in D058 Dr Axel and the Witchmen)
The drum in Dr. Axel's office
Torture in the witchmen's lair |
Published in Frew:
Published in Norway/Sweden:
IpComics Go to: Sunday stories