The story: The jungle is enjoying a long and unprecedented period of peace thanks to The Pact of the Golden Ox, a peace accord brokered by the Phantom and to which all the major
tribes have pledged their allegiance. Bucking the trend is the Tirangi, who refuse to sign the pledge as they plan an imminent return to their head-hunting days.
With the Phantom away, the Tirangi start picking off the tribes one by one, but since the biggest obstacle in the Tirangi's way to power is the Phantom himself, the head-hunters
set an audacious plan into action to attract the jungle's peace keeper to their village for a brutal beheading...
Watch out for:
The Phantom's father vs. the Tirangi
Rex in the Tirangi village
The Child of the Sun and Moon |
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IpComics Go to: Sunday stories