The story: During a minor fracas at a local airstrip, the Phantom injures the Masked Marvel, the boxing champion of Bartena. Desperately needing a plane so that Diana can attend her sick mother as soon as possible, the Phantom agrees to take the Masked Marvel's place for one night in return for Diana's being flown home in the champion's plane.
The Phantom fulfils his side of the bargain, but the situation gets further complicated when the children's hospital in Bartena burns down and the Phantom vows to earn enough money to rebuild it. He thus, uncharacteristically and to Diana's horror, agrees to continue fighting all the way to an eventual championship bout, a long and dangerous path that is not made any easier by match-fixing and corruption...
Watch out for:
The Phantom choosing his own boxing outfit
A daring and dangerous rescue attempt at Bartena's children's hospital
A tense championship bout between Masked Marvel and the defending champion Kid Hercules |
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IpComics Go to: Sunday stories