The story: The Phantom is called home from New York by Mowgi, a member of the Bandar tribe, who has disturbing news: the Phantom's treasure has been stolen from the Deep Woods!
Having returned home to consult with the Bandar leader Guran, the Phantom deduces that the theft must have been an inside job and that Guran's delinquent son Timo may be involved. The Phantom must race against time to follow the money trail before it goes cold.
Watch out for:
The Phantom under pressure and hiding in a woman's closet
Timo felling the Phantom with an arrow tipped in Bandar poison
The jungle tribes marching in unison to where the Phantom lies dying
Guran forcing his son to drink poison to atone for his crimes |
Published in Frew:
Published in Norway/Sweden:
IpComics Go to: Sunday stories