The story: The Phantom returns to the jungle to learn that the powerful Osi-Wey tribe has
declared war on the Llongo after the disappearance of the daughter of the
Osi-Wey chief. However, the real perpetrators are two unscrupulous diamond
hunters, who also have spread a rumour that the jungle is unprotected after the
Phantom's death.
The Phantom must race against time to stop a ferocious jungle war, but must
also track down one of the diamond hunters, who returns to the jungle with an
unsuspecting Diana to settle the score with his masked nemesis.
Watch out for:
- A powerful ruse of the Phantom's involving a giant skull
- The first appearance of a (not so powerful) Llongo tribe
- The Phantom granting Diana's wish to see his face
- Early wedding arrangements
Published in Frew:
Published in Norway/Sweden:
IpComics Go to: Sunday stories